Inspiration behind the art - See God (Yahweh) in the midst of the storms

Inspiration behind the art - See God (Yahweh) in the midst of the storms

In 2020, amidst the global lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, my church provided annual scripture cards, and the verse that we received for my son was Psalms 93:4 "The Lord on high is mightier than the mighty waves of the sea". At the age of 5 at the time, he remembered it simply as "the Lord is mightier than the mightiest sea! " 🌊.

This verse, coupled with my admiration for the iconic artwork, "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" by Hokusai from Japan, took root in my heart. Hokusai's masterpiece reflects Japan's historical fear of the unknown world, portraying it as something formidable and intimidating.


The Great Wave off Kanagawa - Hokusai 19th Century 

Inspired by this connection, I began sketching and drawing my own version of a powerful wave, symbolizing life's daunting challenges. But there was a significant difference - we were not meant to be afraid of this wave. Instead, the message was clear: God is mightier than the mightiest waves of life.

Shop this Art Print - Mightier than the seas 

In a world gripped by uncertainty and fear, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, this scripture and artistic vision serve as a reminder to hold onto God's promises. No matter how immense the waves of life may appear, we mustn't lose faith or surrender to despair. We find solace in the knowledge that our God, Yahweh, stands higher and mightier than any circumstance we encounter. His strength surpasses the giants in our lives. This artwork is a picture of that fear, and knowing no matter of large the fear or worry is, our God is and always will be mightier than the mightiest waves on earth. 

So, when faced with turbulent seas, remember that God's supremacy reigns supreme. He is bigger than any situation we face, and He will undoubtedly guide us safely through it. It is a message of faith, resilience, and trust in a higher power, echoing the sentiment that we need not fear the waves, for God is with us as his children and as believers of Jesus Christ.

- Rowena


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